Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Well tickle my feet and call me Mary !

Dear reader(s),

I know I should endeavour to share more on this site but unfortunately I just havent been doing much of late, besides It's the last place I want to bang on about which idiot I have been shagging .

So I won't.



Have a few days of holidays left and to be honest I could get used to being a lady of leisure, unfortunately the pay is shit so Im going back to work on Monday to rectify that.

The kitchen has finally been put in so I no longer have an excuse to eat take away as much as I have been. I also have drawers !! hallelujah !! I also have a leviathan of a treadmill in the loungeroom for he next 12 weeks so I have no excuse not to walk either.

In furtehr housely developments, I should also be getting a new fence in a matter of weeks so the lovely peaches can see whats going on in the world and stop jumping fences to find out, when i am at work, this is the plan anyway .. I also got the dryer put up on the wall in the laundry yesterday so I can now see the trough. For the life of me I cant remember why I wanted the trough back so badly but it certainly looks a lot tidier than it did with a dryer on it. *hello trough*

My new months resolution is to try and get out of the house on some sort of date thing at least once a week so any encouragment* towards this venture would be well received (maybe) I'm not desperately seking to be coupled, just know that nothing will ever happen if I sit home on my arse all day.

so yeah. cheers lovelies



*this does not mean set me up with your short fat bogan mate. ta


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How about Elmo instead? Hi Elmo :D
Glad to see some blogging action happening sweetie :) It sounds like the kitchen is coming along nicely and 'hello trough' from me too ;) Unfortunately I don't have any fella's, bogan or otherwise that I could set you up with, Sorry, but good luck anyway. Have you tried the date pages out of the local pages...that's where I found your brother heehee! We will have to catch up very soon.
Take care
Tammy X X